Taelor Jae

Here is where you can find the various projects and businesses that Taelor is working on, as well as any services she’s offering! From creating content to helping individuals reach total wellness, Taelor has a unique and special blend of skills that make her one of a kind! Make sure to shop the store for merch from all of her brands.

Everyone Watches Women’s Sports

The Podcast! Originally, Taelor focused her podcast on all sports, but when the needle really started moving in favor of women’s sports, she wanted to talk about what she was passionate about - and that’s women’s sports. So, inspired by the popular phrase, Taelor made the full pivot to covering solely women’s sports on her self produced and hosted show!

FitFull by Tae

Personalized fitness and nutrition coaching for any and all bodies, including and especially those seeking gender affirming guidance! I teach a “what works best for you” philosophy when it comes to these areas and would love to help you fall in love (or, back in love!) with practicing total wellness.

The Planty Hoe

A fun, light-hearted brand for plant lovers of all types to discover hand painted pots, healthy live plant cuttings and merch that inspires the Planty Hoe in all of us! Shop for yourself or find a gift for a loved-one.

541 Free Fridge

A collaborative mutual aid effort in the Central Oregon area, led by women and funded by community. We have worked for over 3 years to decrease food insecurity and provide supplies to those who need it most. Mutual aid is for everyone and all donations support what we do!

Ball Knowers

A women’s hoops conglomerate that was incepted as a group chat but evolved to a platform! Established in 2024 by Taelor Jae and a dedicated group of advocates, with intent to bring positive discourse and respectful conversation to all women’s hoops fans across multiple platforms.

You can shop all of Taelor Jae’s secondary stores like eBay & Amazon, below!

Click here to shop the Amazon storefront!

Click here to shop the eBay storefront!

Want to support but don’t need anything in return?! Donate below!